Course Objective:

To give learners a basic knowledge of programming in the QB64 language, to teach them how to create simple programs and to give them confidence in using the syntax and structures of the language.

Course Duration: 4 weeks

Week 1: Introduction to QB64 and the basics of syntax

What QB64 is and how to install it.
First introduction to the IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
Basic language commands: PRINT, INPUT, LET.
Variables and data types (strings, integers and real numbers).
Running simple programs: displaying text on the screen.
Input data from the user using INPUT.
Basic mathematical operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
Write a program that asks for the user’s name and greets the user.
Write a calculator program to add two numbers entered by the user.

Week 2: Control structures

IF…THEN…ELSE conditional statements.
Logical operators: AND, OR, NOT.
Creating a program using conditions: checking the age of the user.
A program with a loop: output numbers from 1 to 10.
Using logical operators to check several conditions at the same time.
Write a program that checks whether a number entered by the user is even or odd.
Create a program that outputs a multiplication table for a number entered by the user using a FOR…NEXT loop.

Week 3: Working with arrays and functions

What are arrays and how to work with them.
Declaring one-dimensional arrays and their use.
Creating your own functions using the FUNCTION and SUB commands.
Passing parameters to functions.
Creating a program that asks the user for a list of numbers and outputs their sum.
Writing a function to calculate the average value of an array.
Working with functions and procedures: creating functions to calculate the factorial of a number.
Write a program that asks the user for 5 numbers and displays the maximum of them.
Write a function that takes a number and returns its square.

Week 4: Data Input/Output and Final Project

Data input/output to a file.
Reading data from a file and processing it.
Completing a program: using comments and handling errors.
A program to write data (e.g., user names) to a file.
A program that reads data from a file and displays it on the screen.
Final project: creating a more complex program with controls, loops, functions, and file handling.
Write a program that saves a list of purchases entered by the user to a file.
Final project: create a program that manages a simple list of tasks (add task, view, delete). Tasks should be saved to a file.

Upon completion of the course, students will have basic programming skills, be able to write simple programs, work with conditions, loops, arrays, functions, and save and read data from files.